Shopify Announced the New Features: Selling on Amazon Become Easier

Shopify Announced the New Features

Written by - Masood

September 9, 2017

Shopify is growing faster under the shadow of Amazon. It provides websites, payments, shipping, and more for 500,000-plus online merchants and, less than three years after going public, has a market cap of $10 billion—making it around the size of Twitter Inc. or Square Inc. Shopify announced the ability to create listings in seven new product categories and support for the Amazon Brand Registry. Now, more U.S. Shopify store owners can smoothly sell on Amazon’s huge marketplace. You can create Amazon listings, manage inventory, and fulfill orders. Amazon serves millions of customers every year—more than 300M as of last year, to be specific.

Create Listings in Eight Product Categories

After the launch of seven new product categories, you can now get your products in front of the Amazon crowd in minutes. Right from Shopify, create listings in a total of eight product categories:

  • Clothing and Accessories
  • Health and Household (NEW)
  • Beauty and Personal Care (NEW)
  • Home and Kitchen (NEW)
  • Patio and Garden (NEW)
  • Sewing, Arts and Crafts (NEW)
  • Sports and Outdoors (NEW)
  • Toys and Games (NEW)

Shopify recently unveiled exciting new features that streamline the process of selling on Amazon. This update aims to make it easier for merchants to expand their reach and increase sales through the e-commerce giant. With Shopify’s integration with Amazon, sellers can now manage their Amazon listings directly within the Shopify platform, simplifying inventory management and order fulfillment. This integration empowers merchants to efficiently sell across multiple channels, tapping into Amazon’s vast customer base while maintaining control and visibility through Shopify’s intuitive interface.


In conclusion, Shopify’s announcement of new features aimed at streamlining the process of selling on Amazon marks a significant milestone for e-commerce entrepreneurs. With these enhancements, Shopify merchants can now seamlessly integrate their stores with Amazon, unlocking a broader reach and increased sales potential. This strategic partnership not only simplifies the selling experience but also empowers businesses of all sizes to expand their online presence and thrive in an ever-evolving marketplace. Moreover, as technology continues to bridge gaps between platforms, this collaboration between Shopify and Amazon exemplifies the ongoing innovation driving the future of e-commerce.

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